Kinslayer MUD
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A comfortable pair of shoes 1 0 0 0.2
A pair of black steel war boots -6 -4 50 4.5
A pair of black tooled silver boots 2 0 7 1.0
A pair of blue velvet slippers 1 0 0 0.5
A pair of broken-in shoes 1 0 4 0.1
A pair of brown leather boots 1 0 7 0.2
A pair of flat, plain sandals 0 0 0 5.0
A pair of fur-topped, plated chainmail boots 1 3 40 3.0
A pair of gold-fringed boots 3 2 2 1.5
A pair of gold-fringed boots 3 2 5 1.5
A pair of hard leather boots 2 0 27 3.0
A pair of high heeled brown sandals 1 3 5 0.5
A pair of hiking boots 0 1 5 0.2
A pair of knee-length boots 0 2 15 4.2
A pair of leather banded shoes 1 1 18 2.0
A pair of leather boots 1 0 8 0.2
A pair of light leather shoes 1 0 3 0.1
A pair of padded leather boots 1 0 21 2.5
A pair of plated metal boots -3 -3 45 2.0
A pair of polished metal boots -3 -1 40 3.0
A pair of ranger boots 3 0 5 2.0
A pair of silver-toned sandals 0 0 0 0.0
A pair of soft leather boots 1 1 0 1.0
A pair of soft velvet slippers 2 1 0 1.0
A pair of soft-soled boots 3 4 0 1.0
A pair of steel plated leather boots -4 4 43 3.0
A pair of steel-bound combat boots -5 -3 60 4.0
A pair of steel-plated war boots -7 -4 55 4.0
A pair of thick leather boots 0 1 22 3.0
A pair of thick metal boots -2 -1 35 3.0
A pair of thick steel boots -4 -3 48 4.0
A pair of thin metal boots 0 -1 30 2.0
A pair of wolfhide boots 2 1 14 2.0
A pair of worn-out work boots 1 1 10 3.0
A set of spiked black boots -7 -4 55 4.0