Kinslayer MUD
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Shiekh the hooded mongrel

Located in the area known as West of Caemlyn.

This SuperMOB is rated: Challenging
Item Name Location Probability
A delicate sungwood earring Ear Trinkets 36%
A light-weight splinted plate with red etchings Upper Body Gear 26%
A large cloak with many pockets Cloaks & Capes 100%
A murky colored hood Head Gear 36%
A delicate sungwood earring Ear Trinkets 36%
A strange ruby necklace Neck Trinkets 40%
A medallion of shiny silver Neck Trinkets 39%
A gem-handled key Held Items 100%
A medallion of shiny silver Neck Trinkets 39%
A strange ruby necklace Neck Trinkets 40%
A sparkling ruby earring Ear Trinkets 40%
A sparkling ruby earring Ear Trinkets 40%
A murky colored hood Head Gear 36%
A large cloak with many pockets Cloaks & Capes 100%
A light-weight splinted plate with red etchings Upper Body Gear 26%
A pair of fur-topped, plated chainmail boots Foot Wear 38%
A pair of full-plated greaves Leg Wear 46%
A versatile hatchet marked by a red talon Weapons 18%
A pair of riveted chainmail gloves Hand Gear 100%
A strange chain belt Belts 38%
A pair of shimmering steel vambraces Arm Wear 20%
A set of shoulder pads worked with silver Shoulder Wear 50%
A pair of shimmering steel vambraces Arm Wear 20%
A gem-handled key Held Items 100%
A studded leather quiver Back Wear 10%
A brown glass bottle of aged whiskey Held Items 25%
A pair of fur-topped, plated chainmail boots Foot Wear 38%
A pair of full-plated greaves Leg Wear 46%
A set of shoulder pads worked with silver Shoulder Wear 50%
A versatile hatchet marked by a red talon Weapons 18%
A pair of riveted chainmail gloves Hand Gear 100%
A strange chain belt Belts 38%
A large cloak with many pockets Cloaks & Capes 100%
A large cloak with many pockets Cloaks & Capes 100%
A tough leather bag embroidered with gold Held Items 50%
A pair of hard leather boots Foot Wear 100%
A delicate gold chain Neck Trinkets 10%
A dark cloth hood Head Gear 100%
A well worn hauberk adorned with a Rose emblem Upper Body Gear 61%
A pair of light steel pauldrons Shoulder Wear 100%
A pair of light, scale backed ringmail sleeves Arm Wear 54%
A polished black belt Belts 48%
A steel, dart-tipped chain whip Weapons 43%
A pair of bearskin trousers Leg Wear 44%
A pair of hard leather boots Foot Wear 100%
A pair of bearskin trousers Leg Wear 44%
A steel, dart-tipped chain whip Weapons 43%
A polished black belt Belts 48%
A pair of light, scale backed ringmail sleeves Arm Wear 54%
A pair of light steel pauldrons Shoulder Wear 100%
A well worn hauberk adorned with a Rose emblem Upper Body Gear 61%
A dark cloth hood Head Gear 100%
A delicate gold chain Neck Trinkets 10%
A serrated chain scythe Weapons 100%
A close-fitting chainmail tunic Upper Body Gear 100%
A set of thin metal pauldrons Shoulder Wear 100%
A pair of wolfhide sleeves Arm Wear 100%
A tough leather belt Belts 100%
A pair of padded leather boots Foot Wear 100%
A pair of thin leather pants Leg Wear 100%
A pair of padded leather boots Foot Wear 100%
A close-fitting chainmail tunic Upper Body Gear 100%
A set of thin metal pauldrons Shoulder Wear 100%
A pair of wolfhide sleeves Arm Wear 100%
A tough leather belt Belts 100%
A serrated chain scythe Weapons 100%
A pair of thin leather pants Leg Wear 100%