Kinslayer MUD
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of Capua, bringer of rain
Player's Description
You can kiss the ring, but you'll never touch the crown.
User Statistics
Players Killed: 242
Mob Deaths: 18
Player Deaths: 75
Created: Mar 08, 2006
Last Sign In: Jan 02, 2023
Race: Ogier
Known Clans
  • Valon Protector of the Light Councilman (Rank 9)
  • Ogier Lucker Councilman (Rank 3)
Recent Player Kills
Slew Shrek 3,505 days ago with 2 others.
Slew Zamps 3,505 days ago.
Slew Zamps 3,505 days ago with 2 others.
Slew Shrek 3,505 days ago with 1 other.
Slew Craccin 3,506 days ago with 2 others.
Slew Shrek 3,506 days ago with 2 others.
Slew Craccin 3,506 days ago with 4 others.
Slew Tey 3,506 days ago with 1 other.
Slew Alazon 3,506 days ago with 1 other.
Slew Phantasm 3,520 days ago.
Bloody Hell
Scourge of the Battlefield
Deathly Sequence
Bloody Rampage
Civic Duty
Join the Fray
The Art of Battle