Kinslayer MUD
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the Ogre
Player's Description
Shrek does not have a description.
User Statistics
Players Killed: 60
Mob Deaths: 37
Player Deaths: 51
Created: Feb 11, 2005
Last Sign In: Dec 28, 2014
Race: Trolloc
Class: Warrior
Known Clans
  • Ghob'hlin Warlord Councilman (Rank 7)
Recent Player Kills
Slew Konnor 3,504 days ago.
Slew Konnor 3,504 days ago.
Slew Dracon 3,504 days ago.
Slew Konnor 3,504 days ago.
Slew Konnor 3,504 days ago.
Slew Verna 3,505 days ago.
Slew Konnor 3,505 days ago.
Slew Vlad 3,505 days ago with 1 other.
Slew Bradley 3,505 days ago with 2 others.
Slew Athen 3,505 days ago with 2 others.
Bloody Hell
Deathly Sequence
Bloody Rampage
Civic Duty
Running Riot
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