Kinslayer MUD
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the Goatrider, Commander of the Horde
Player's Description The only Fade with a mohawk and a beard. bring it
User Statistics
Players Killed: 13
Mob Deaths: 379
Player Deaths: 397
Created: Sep 02, 2009
Last Sign In: May 20, 2020
Race: Fade
Known Clans
  • Ghob'hlin Perdition of the Crescent Moon (Rank 9)
  • Myrddraal Horde Commander (Rank 6)
Recent Player Kills
Slew Tamira 4,438 days ago.
Slew Semper 4,595 days ago.
Slew Semper 4,607 days ago.
Slew Semper 4,607 days ago.
Slew Kyrana 4,936 days ago with 1 other.
Slew Madison 4,937 days ago with 1 other.
Slew Kara 4,948 days ago with 1 other.
Slew Kara 4,959 days ago with 3 others.
Slew Kara 4,960 days ago with 2 others.
Slew Fallstaff 4,960 days ago with 3 others.
Civic Duty
The Hunted
Meat Shield
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