Kinslayer MUD
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Player's Description
. Evilina owns the keep near the Blighted Stone Road. . Evlina owns the brothel your mom works at.
User Statistics
Players Killed: 206
Mob Deaths: 103
Player Deaths: 93
Created: Jan 25, 2006
Last Sign In: Mar 19, 2015
Race: Fade
Class: Unknown
Known Clans
  • Evilina is not known to belong to any clans.
Recent Player Kills
Slew Konnor 3,590 days ago.
Slew Roran 4,275 days ago.
Slew Tamira 4,375 days ago with 2 others.
Slew Semper 4,375 days ago with 3 others.
Slew Rex 4,375 days ago with 1 other.
Slew Tamira 4,375 days ago.
Slew Semper 4,375 days ago.
Slew Verna 4,376 days ago with 1 other.
Slew Verna 4,376 days ago with 2 others.
Slew Madison 4,376 days ago.
The Hunted
Join the Fray
The Art of Battle
Bloody Hell
Scourge of the Battlefield
Deathly Sequence
Bloody Rampage
Civic Duty
Running Riot
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